Down The Security Rabbithole

DtR Epsiode 44 - Unmasking Security Products



In this episode... We discuss the true nature of many of the security products decisions CISOs have to make every day Frank and Raf make very poorly thought-out sports analogies There are uncomfortable length of silence (mostly edited out) The crew discusses NSS Labs, and what they do to help the CISOs out there make smarter decisions "Someone" asks about anti-virus... [ More info on NSS Labs and the two guests today can be found here: and ] Guests Frank Artes ( @franklyfranc ) - Research Director Francisco Artes is a recognized information security executive who has helped form some of the motion picture & television industry’s best practices for securing intellectual property.  Artes is also know for his work with on cybercrime, hacking and forensic security issues with various federal, state and local government and law enforcement agencies such as the US Dept. of Homeland Security, the FBI, the Texas Rangers, US Marshals and several others.