Down The Security Rabbithole

DtR Episode 41 - NewsCast for May 20th, 2013



Welcome to Monday, May 20th 2013 as James and I discuss the last 2 weeks' worth of Information Security news and relate it (attemptively) to your enterprise day-job. This week was a bit on the lighter side, with the quote of the year (as far as I'm concerned) winner going to the Washington State Administrative Office of the Court for ...well, you'll just have to read the rest of the show notes and listen to the podcast. Also ... we are now on the Zune store. So the 2 new Zune listeners - HELLO! Topics Covered Researches at Trend Micro uncover new cyberespionage campaign call it SafeNet (in unrelated news SafeNet the security company had nothing to do with this...). Yet another cyberespionage campaign targeting users with revolutionary new technique called "phishing", and using a vulnerability in Microsoft software patched in April 2012, originating from ... China! - Domain registrar, Name.