The Amanda Collins Podcast

Crystals for your Everyday Practices with Hibiscus Moon



Beloved, join me in this exciting interview with Hibiscus Moon, a soul, jam-packed with Crystal wisdom! She started her journey into Crystals at a young age and through her curiosity and studies in Science, she's connected the dots between the two beautiful fields. In this episode, she shares her go-to crystals for all types of love, and health, and includes what energy they invite into your life. She simplifies her crystal knowledge down to 10 all-around crystals that she invites you to use on a daily basis, especially if you're new to working with Crystals. Beloved, I invite you to listen to this episode if you're longing to purify your energy, reduce negative energy around your home and find ways to integrate crystals into your daily routine. You can find Hibiscus Moon's 10-Must-Have Crystals here If you would like to learn more about where to place your crystals, my Feng Shui courses cover the various areas of your home and which crystals to invite into your space. Learn more about the Feng Shui Mastery c