Liquid Church

The Courage Of Conviction | Queen: The Story Of Esther Part 2



What crisis are you facing today? Who is counting on you to be courageous? If your family is under attack, a loved one is in trouble, or your job is in jeopardy, God may be calling you to STAND UP and SPEAK UP for change. In this message from Liquid Church’s series Queen: The Story of Esther, Pastor Tim Lucas inspires us to prepare for the moment when our faith is under fire. You must decide NOW what you will do THEN. Will you compromise your convictions or stand up with courage? Queen Esther of the Bible shows us a beautiful example of courage and faith. After learning of an evil plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom, Esther decides to speak up, knowing the result is she may die. We see that Esther was made queen “for such a time as this.” With courage, she stands up to save thousands of lives. It’s a stirring reminder that when you stand up for God, He will stand up for you!