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Revelation 7 – 2020 Bible Survey - Audio



Welcome to our Sunday morning worship service. This morning Pastor Gary Barber is preaching on Revelation 7, “The 144,000, The Great International Multitude, & The Rapture.” As you have read Revelation 7 have you ever wondered ❖ Who are the 144,000? What does it mean that they are sealed? ❖ Who are the great international multitude? What can we learn from them? ❖ When will the rapture (snatching away) of the church take place? What are the possible scenarios? Today Pastor Gary is going to answer these questions. In addition he is going to explain ❖ “Open and closed hand doctrines”... ❖ Jigsaw puzzles and end times prophecy scenarios and he will answer the vitally important question ❖ How should we live in view of these different possible scenarios? You will want to download and print the Worship Guide before you watch the sermon so you can follow along with Pastor Gary, and especially so you have the drawing of the possible scenario