Vo Boss Podcast

BOSS Voces: Improv



Every script is the answer to a question. It’s up to the actor to discover (and sometimes create) that question. In this episode, Anne & Pilar are here to keep you on your toes with improv techniques + exercises. They will teach you how to stay fresh with your reads, and - more importantly - why it’s necessary to know the script, scene, and emotions for everything you read. Whether it be E-Learning, IVR, or commercial, you’ll be ready to tackle it with authentic reactions + diverse copy interpretations like a #VOBOSS. Transcript >> It’s time to take your business to the next level, the BOSS level! These are the premiere Business Owner Strategies and Successes being utilized by the industry’s top talent today. Rock your business like a BOSS, a VO BOSS! Now let’s welcome your host, Anne Ganguzza. Pilar: Hola, BOSS Voces. Bienvenidos al podcast, con Anne Ganguzza y Pilar Uribe. Anne: Hey Pilar. I'm trying to figure out how to lead into today's episode. And I've been thinking about different scenes that maybe