Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Carey Conley – Create a Rock-Solid, Bigger-Than-Life Vision for Your Life and Business – Episode 248



Today, I am so excited to introduce you to Carey Conley, the founder and owner of coaching business Infinity Corporation and bestselling author of Keep Looking Up. She has a ton of amazing insight on setting a larger-than-life vision for your life and has developed a visioning method that has helped hundreds of people live their best and biggest lives. In this episode: Carey’s journey; from building her vision when she found herself not willing to fit the mold to manifesting her dream life to helping other entrepreneurs manifest their dream lives with her visioning method How to build your own rock-solid, bigger-than-life vision Tools to help you live with intention towards your bigger-than-life vision Carey’s tips for connecting with community more intentionally A fun, visual exercise to help you find the right people for your front row, who will support your growth and help you make your vision come to life How vision has allowed Carey and her daughter to persevere through devastating tragedy in her life