Don Woods

Don's Wonderful Boy Scouts



The recent dry weather will cause possible problems....forest fires...draught etc etc......same thing at the same time every year. Boris Becker is off to jail because of undeclared assets....Bankrupt Boris has got 2 years.....the price of fame .Porn in Parliament...M.P. Neil Parish has been a naughty boy....or so it seems. A D.J. called Westwood who works on Capital Radio (I think) has been accused of sexual misbehaviour by a few women which he has strenuously denied....but of course he must be guilty because the media say so.......yet another witch hunt And more job justification....some nameless genius has come up with an idea to stop child obesity....apparently a suggestion has been made to take sugary breakfast cereals off the front of the shelves in supermarkets....because they obviously "force" shoppers to buy Frosties have to go to the back of the shelf.....this has gone down well with the manufacturers of these products as you can imagine .Who killed Freddie Mills?....a very interesti