
Ep. 1: 1979: Star Raiders



Welcome to 1979! Episode 1 includes a brief summary of the technical specifications of the Atari 400 & 800 that were first released at the end of the year, discussion of Creative Computing issues starting from April and the very first Compute! magazine, and a review of a game original to the Atari 8- bits and destined to become an all-time classic game: Star Raiders. Introduction Douglas Adams Collected Works Feedback Drop /// Inches with Mike Maginnis and Paul Hagstrom, a fairly technical podcast about the Apple /// Rick Keene's cover for STLog Issue 18 Technical details Creative Computing Overview David H. Ahl and the History of Creative Computing Creative Computing Vol 5, #4, April 1979 Vector 1 Sexism in Computer Science No Quarter #94: Mike and Carrington talk about gender stereotypes and games Creative Computing Vol 5, #5, May 1979 More Basic Computer Games White & Nerdy Creative Computing Vol 5,