Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dreams have multiple layers



Can you learn anything from the world's shortest dreams? Dee sent me three. There was more writing on the postage stamp! Also, did you know there is more than one layer to a dream? That's right. The same dream comments simultaneously on several aspects of your life. Why and how? Stay tuned to find out.   Do you want to know what your spiritual gifts are? “Yes”, is the right answer. Well, we have the course that you need. On it we interpret 2 of your dreams to tell you what your gifts are. Go to to find out more   If you want your dream analyzed on my show, you can submit it here   And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.   On today’s show:   Question from Levi: Do dream interpretations differ whether the dream is regular or Lucid?   Three short dreams from Dee. Dream 1: 1990 That’s it! That’s all she remembers! Ha   Dream 2: Blonde woman in yellow track s