5 Smooth Stones

The need for racism, white-washing many holy Scriptures & Catholicism



Topic: "The need for racism, white-washing of many holy Scriptures & Catholicism." You heard right, racism and the white-washing of many scriptures are a "NEED" for those wicked in power. The truth is too expensive to tell and will cause those elites to go bankrupt, lose the empire & lose control of the masses. Esp. Since the truth will MAKE US FREE. Folks the truth is often stranger than fiction, yet there's unbelievable HOPE. Tune in all of humanity for this crucial and yet peaceful dialogue with our panel and GUEST at                                            Showtimes: 11 PM CST  ** SATURDAY**  APRIL 30, 2022 To listen/comment call (914) 205 5590. Click link below to listen online "LIVE" or 24/7 after the show has recorded (chat room available). Awake Zion http://tobtr.com/12090411