David Hathaway

Everything is possible! Part 3



Jesus could do no mighty works because of their unbelief. Mark 6 reveals a very similar situation to the unbelief in Mark 9, only here, Jesus Himself could do no mighty work, save that He laid His Hands on a few sick folk and healed them, and He marvelled at their unbelief. I’m quite amazed, because in this case, it’s Jesus who could not do the mighty works – because the people in His hometown didn’t recognise who He REALLY was. They only recognised Him as being from Nazareth like them, a carpenter, whose whole family lived there. This is the challenge to me and to you, because even in the Church, even amongst godly people, God is sometimes limited in what He can do because of our unbelief. We’re too familiar with Jesus, too familiar with religion, too familiar with God – not realising who Jesus really is! We have to come back to this question, WHO JESUS REALLY IS! That He IS the Son of God, that He has ALL the Power of God, and ALL the Power of God is IN JESUS! We have to RECOGNISE this.