Beachside Ceo Radio

How To Engage & Close The Overwhelmed Consumer Of 2022



These consumers are weary. They’re still navigating virtual school and long WFH hours. They're super-busy and always on. It's important to know they'll open their wallets for the brands that offer a helping hand. The Overwhelmed Consumer is more likely to purchase products that are FAMILY-FRIENDLY, FUN and EXCITING, or INNOVATIVE. They care less about whether the purchase is cost-effective or practical. For consumers who’ve been hit hard by the doldrums of 2020 and 2021, this all ties back to the Forrester prediction that consumers will look for uplifting products to offer a break from the pandemic’s uncertainty. Phillip Stutts and the Big Win Media team dig deep into the AI behind the data. Troy Dooly will dive into just the Overwhelmed Consumer segment in this podcast. Last week Dooly went into the full report. Next week Dooly will dive into the Influenced Consumer and how you can engage them.  You can learn more about Troy Dooly - The Beachside CEO @