Em Pulse

Mind The Gap



Did you know that women physicians make 72 cents on every dollar their male counterparts make?! According to the New York Times, this leads to women earning about $2 million less than men over their careers as doctors. In the third episode of our series on women in emergency medicine, we explore the very real gender pay gap that exists in medicine. Dr. Amy Gottlieb is an expert on this topic, having written a book, published studies, and given multiple talks on the subject. She explains what the data show, helps us unpack some of the reasons behind the pay gap, and offers advice on how to move forward.  Is there a gender pay gap where you practice? Tell your story and tag us on social media, @empulsepodcast, or reach out via email empulsepodcast@gmail.com, or through our website, ucdavisem.com. Encourage your friends and colleagues to listen and share their stories, too! ***Please rate us and leave us a review on iTunes! It helps us reach more people.*** Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Associate Professor of Ped