Morgan Webster's Wrestling Friends

Wrestling Friends 30 - Live from cardiff



This weeks Wrestling Friends comes to you Live from Cardiff, South Wales (the Weekend of Attack Pro Wrestling's Kris Travis Tag Team Invitational). Here we had 3 very different guests; First up we have Bronco Brendan White who talks to Flash about his own battle with cancer and what meeting Kris Travis meant to him. Secondly we have the Voice of Attack pro Wrestling, Mr Jim Lee. Here Flash and Jim talk about Jim’s journey into wrestling the origin of Attack pro, how he became the hype man for the weird and wonderful world of Attack. And lastly we’re joined by the weirdest guest to date, Fat cat Lloyd Katt. We talk in depth about his journey into bowling and how he became a wrestler to save his beloved Bowling Alley ‘Bowl A Rama’. This week is an array of emotions and a roller-coaster you won’t want to miss.