Nurah Speaks

(Ep 158) Gratitude To The Listeners!



Nurah Speaks is a catalyst for change. It is a conversation piece, an information center, inspiration, guidance and love in words. Nurah Speaks listeners are informed, conscientious and committed community members on the front lines of change. I am grateful for all of the listeners and subscribers of the podcast and especially to those who have commented, rated the show, sent emails, provided critical feedback, contacted me on social media and those who have pulled me aside to share their thoughts on the show. I am thankful that the podcast is meeting its intended goal of tugging on the soul and consciousness of our people. There is so much work that needs to be done and ‘if we each do a little, no one has to do a lot.’ Those were the words spoken by Judge Charles Dortch, a guest on the show.  I have had the honor of featuring the great Judge Dortch and so many other wonderful folks doing incredible work in their communities. I urge you to listen or ‘re-listen’ to the those interviews because there is