Nurah Speaks

(Ep 154) Bosses vs Leaders



A boss says, “Go.” A leader says, “Let’s go!” There are important delineations between a leader, someone in charge, and a boss, someone who is also in charge. The delineations lie in the perspective they have of their role, how they operate within their authority or power, how they relate to their members/employees and how they take responsibility for the outcomes of the operation. In episode 154, I share key differences between bosses and leaders and important ways those in authority can help and support the team members that they lead. Here are some examples:   A boss takes credit.  A leader gives credit.   A boss commands.  A leader influences.   Bosses hold others accountable.  Leaders hold themselves accountable.   Remember, every boss is not a leader and every leader is not a boss.  Take a listen to this episode and let it inform how we engage with those with whom we work - whether on the job, in a civic organization, a family or your church or temple. Let me