David Hathaway

The God of Moses and Joshua fights for you! Part 2



“Sanctify yourselves, because tomorrow God will do wonders among you.... Hereby you will know that the Lord God is among you and He will not fail to drive out before you all the inhabitants of the Land, behold the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord is passing over before you into Jordan.” (Joshua 3.) For Moses, the greatest miracle was the crossing of the Red Sea – (and the whole might of the Egyptian army was destroyed as the waters closed back over them) – now for Joshua, we have a very similar miracle, in that not just Jericho, but the Jordan stood between Israel and the whole Promised Land. I had always thought that it was Jericho that was the problem. But how do you get two million people, with all their sheep and cattle, and their little children, across this fast-flowing flooding river? But God worked the same miracle as He did for Moses and held up the water so that they crossed over on dry land!