Master Leadership

ML261: Cheryl Lynn Mobley (Founder & CEO - reCalibrate)



Cheryl Lynn Mobley had less than zero interest in becoming a hospital president, but when she was asked to serve and step into the role – in she went. For 5 years, she had the honor & pleasure of serving alongside the best team ever, and many people remarked that they ‘made it look easy’ as they consistently achieved a remarkable 99th percentile level of performance as compared to other hospitals in the U.S.  They certainly weren’t perfect, but they had perfected what to pay attention to and how to show up in order to hit these levels of outstanding performance. She has great fun sharing this path across industries – she loves the cross-pollination that takes place. Cheryl and her team have a BHAG – to have 500,000 people impacted by Be99® organizations by 2025.  She knows firsthand the difference between the positive life-changing impact a Be99® organization has on everyone it touches, and the equally strong, but negative impact other organizations can bring to bear.&nb