G.i. Joe: A Real American Headcast

Episode 41: Issue 41 - Strategic Diplomacy



Welcome back Joes. Roll call this month: Pat Sampson - Codename: DJ Kristatos: http://longboxcrusade.com Brad Abraham Codename: Jarrod V 2 - http://bradabraham.com Kevin Reitzel Codename: Raider Nerd - Twitter @spartan_phoenix and https://fpnet.podbean.com/ Welcome back Joes. This month, the guys join me to look at issue 41 of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. After that we all announce our Real American Hero for the issue and our favorite page of art. Then at 46 minutes in to the show, we watch The The Germ! Finally at One Hour and twenty-two minutes I visit Postbox The Pit! We end with our Solider of the Month and another PSA! Write in to gijoe@headcastnetwork.com and we'll read your letter on the air! Take a listen and let us know what you think. You can visit us on the web at http://gijoe.headcastnetwork.com On Facebook and Twitter we can be found by searching for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast And be sure to look for us on Patreon. If you like what we're doing, join Chuck Ross and Gene Hen