Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 401: What Can We Do About the Horrific Terrorist Attacks in Israel?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What can we do about the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel? Chassidus Applied to EmorWhy does the Torah discriminate against handicapped Kohanim by not allowing them to bring an offering? How do we explain seemingly harsh attitudes in the Torah, called a Torah of love and kindness? What do we learn from the Torah about sensitivity to others, especially the less fortunate? Why is it forbidden to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day? What is the story with the son of Shlomit? Why was he so mistreated by the tribe of Dan not allowing him to camp with them? Why is blasphemy such a severe crime that warrants the death penalty? Is there ever a situation when we do not show unconditional love to a child? How about one who is behaving in a destructive and criminal way? OmerHow could they bring an Omer offering of barley on the second day of Pesach when barley is one of the grains forbidden on Pesach? Why don’t they announce the Omer co