Brew Hui Podcast

Episode 7: Fresh Hop Beer



Episode 7 represents a change in tack for the Brew Hui Podcast. Once a week, I pop-down to my local - Warkworth's craft beer institution Tahi Bar - for a half-pint and a chat with my favourite barkeep, owner/operator Ian Marriott.  Ian (and his wife Silke) are doing the right thing for the right reasons: they took a punt way-back in 2008, opening a craft beer bar in a Lion Red town. They've worked bloody hard to make a fist of it, but have an unwavering commitment to serve good beer from good places to good people. My half-pint-a-week hardly helps Ian's and Silke's bottom-line - so I try to do my bit to support them by flying their flag whenever possible.  To that end, I'm pleased to announce that Tahi Bar will be the home of the Brew Hui Podcast for 2017 (if not indefinitely; the ease with which this episode came together makes me reticent to return to the previous format!).  In this episode, I'm joined by local brewing legends Sam Williamson (Sawmill Brewing), Jason Bathgate (McLeod's Brewing) and Søren Eri