Small Town Murder

#282 - When Stupid People Kill - Raccoon, Kentucky



This week, in Raccoon, Kentucky, a man who owns a sawmill, and does some moonshining, on the side, recruits a crack crew of murderers, with the goal of killing his soon to be ex-wife, saving him a lot of trouble. But when you recruit whoever is around, and willing to commit crimes, might not be the best way to carry out a murder plot. This proves to be true, even the the absolutely vicious murder goes off without a hitch, leaving the victim with half of a head, and a lot of stab wounds. The whole thing falls apart, when one of the killers has a bout of conscience, then the really crazy stuff happens! This is a mess!Along the way, we find out that Kentucky takes great pride in their hillbilly culture, that a random criminal that you happen to know might not be the best candidate for a murder plot, and that you can't deny your own voice, talking gleefully about murder!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our e