The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #110: KibbeLee Update with Nathan Warren and Dukes of Hazzard Review: S4E16 “Shine on Hazzard Moon”



HUGE NEWS! has come back in this episode as a show sponsor! Our man Corndog is over the moon thinking of the savings he will encounter when shipping rare Mopar parts to buyers everywhere. Let's just say he's a value shopper. For those of who like to sell parts online (especially eBay), this will be right up your alley of time and money saving awesomeness. PLUS YOU WILL HE HELPING OUR SHOW! With you can access all the services of the Post Office right from your desk. Right now you can use KAFS for this SPECIAL OFFER: a 4 week Trial that includes postage and a digital scale! To get the deal go to, click on the Radio Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in KAFS. Dukes Review: Shine on Hazzard Moon - We're not going to lie. This is not a bad episode, but this is also not an episode you'll come back to time and time again. Daisy isn't in distress, the General is never at risk, etc. There are a few cool jumps though and one sweet shot of a police car landing while looking