

As an entrepreneur, you are already a leap above the rest: taking action to pursue your goals, make an impact, and to create the life you love. So when someone rejects you or questions your abilities, how do you react? If you react by withdrawing, or stalling your own growth because you don't want to make a mistake and prove that person "right," this is the episode for you. Overcoming rejection is KEY to success. The degree to which you are willing to be uncomfortable is the degree to which your dreams will come true. You're going to learn: - How to stop accepting criticism from the wrong people - How to stop bouncing from project to project searching for that instant gratification - How to finally get out of your own head and start monetizing your passions We can't avoid rejection on the journey of entrepreneurship. What we can control, however, is how much we let the "no's" stick to us. Ready to overcome the negativity? Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode!   For more business tips and strategi