

Eight seconds. That is how long you have to grab someone's attention. When you are writing ANY kind of pitch, this is what you need to be thinking about. What I can do to keep their attention? How can I POSITION myself to show them they need me?   In this episode, we are talking to influencer marketer, New York Time best selling publicist and the host of ‘The Influencer’ podcast Julie Solomon where she is breaking down how to to pitch yourself in a truly effective way to get booked for any type of engagement.     (5:15) “A lot of the time people don’t pitch themselves for two reasons. They either don’t have the time or they don’t know how. So that fear kind of keeps them from actually doing it.” -Julie Solomon   (9:26) “Remembering that we all have something unique to bring to the table. Just because someone may know something in a certain way, doesn't mean that they’re going to know it from your unique perspective.” -Julie Solomon   (11:03) “At the end of the day my business isn't about me, my blog isn't abo