

Today’s guest episode of USR features financial planner Shannon McLay!  Shannon started her journey by leaving a "traditional" financial services firm to start her own company, The Financial Gym.  Her primary focus when creating this was because she felt most financial service firms did not have the tools or resources to help people in their 20s and 30s who are starting out and trying to build assets while also managing debt.   She realized that the key to long-term personal financial success is a commitment to financial fitness and making smart financial choices.   In today’s interview, Shannon is covering the top mistakes she sees entrepreneurs make when making financial decisions in their businesses.  She challenges her clients to ask themselves “If I buy this today, is this something that is bringing me closer to my goals and what I want out of life?  Or taking me further away from it?”     In this episode, you will learn: -the top 3 financial mistakes entrepreneurs make (and how you can avoid making them