

Most business owners have one thing on their mind most of the time, “How do I increase the sales, profit, and growth in my business?” Buying triggers will help you sell more so you can make more money, see more results, and achieve success faster in your business.   This episode helps you unlock the keys to using buying triggers to sell more in your business. There are many intangible elements that are going to have a massive impact on your ROI for the activities you are already doing in your business. Whatever product, service, or program you present to your prospective clients, if you take the elements talked about today and simply add them in the mix and weave them into what you are already doing, you will see a huge jump in the conversions and sales in your business.   You will learn: - Who you should be selling to - How you should be selling - Buying triggers that make a big impact on sales and growth - Buying triggers to weave into your offers and copy that substantially improve results   Your challenge