"tapp" Into The Truth

It Took Six Months to Come Up With "Ultra-MAGA"



A gunman killed 10 people and wounded three in a Buffalo, N.Y. grocery store, and allegedly targeted the establishment because of racial hatred and extremist ideology. He was arrested and pleaded not guilty. While discussing American energy production, Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer blasted Republican criticism of Joe Biden’s handling of the gasoline crisis during what he said was a “time of war.” Hoyer claimed that Americans needed to focus on the “enemy” — Russia. Zac Kriegman had worked at Thomson Reuters for more than six years, most recently as a director of data scientists. Concerned with data and statistics, Kriegman and his team advised numerous other divisions within the company, providing the information needed to report important information in news articles. But guess why he got fired. Jen Psaki recently implied that Biden’s new nickname for Republicans — some variation of MAGA, like “Ultra-MAGA” — was something that Biden created on his own. A new report from The Washington Post cas