Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 167: Overheard from the Other Room



"Black Sea" by Dutch E Germ from IN.RAK.DUST; "Vazq" by Yeongrak from 2-10; "Key of Everything" by Vivid Tribe of Psychics from Magick Utopia, Subsonic Dragonfly' "Test For New Swords" by Bardo Pond from Refulgo; "Hunger" by The Soft Moon from Feel; "I Can Hear the Heart Breaking As One" by Ricky Eat Acid from Three Love Songs; "Malevolence in Blue" by Jonas Reinhardt from Ganymede; "The Visions Run Dry" by Alpine Decline from Go Big Shadow City; "Raft of the Medusa" by Fate's Palette from Rule of Thirds; "Aqua 7" by Donato Dozzy and Neul from The Aquaplano Sessions; "Y Axis" by bloomypetal from Moon Kingdom; "Wild Mountain Honey" by Swag Ninja from Lupus (Pornwave)