Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 156: Sonic Swirlies



"Little Lucid Dreamer" by Zomes from Time Was; "Wrecking Ball" by the Heliocentrics from 13 Degrees of Reality; "Ex Mass" by Implodes from Recurring Dream; "Les Infantils" by the Toblerones from Keki Oski; "Maximum Big Surprise" by Saint Pepsi from New Generation; "Polluted Seas" by FLAOFEI from Hammer Head; The title track from Trigger Warning by Evil Robot Ted; "Blueen"by BTU from Without Armour; "Oil Free Acne Scrub (Hey Jeremy)" by Miguel Baptista Benedict from Super(b)-Child-Ran; "Water Park Theme" by Dirty Beaches from the Water Park Soundtrack; "Somnambulist" by Brute Heart from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.