Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 153: Opened the Window and in Flew Enza



"Counting Sailboats" by The Holydrug Couple from Noctuary; "Part 2" by Recycle Culture from In Transit; "Shades of Eternal Night" by Bleeding Rainbow from Yeah Right; "Circle Music 2" by Eugene Carchesio from Circle Music; "Chapel Perilous" by Belbury Poly from The Belbury Tales; "Tilt" by Mountains from Centralia; "Purple+" from the self titled CD from White+; "Unripe Pears" by Bee Mask from When We Were Eating Unripe Pears; "Gease" by Agor from his free web release; "Lions Peonies" by Black Sun Roof from Feral.