
330: Will you ever stop people pleasing?



We’re going back to a topic from one of our most popular episodes. People pleasing. A people pleaser works very hard to make other people happy. Often putting other people’s needs above their own.Are you a people pleaser?Also, listen to Episode 216: how to stop being a people pleaser.This is what we spoke aboutA people pleaser often says yes to something and suddenly feels resentment and anger, thoughts might pop up like ‘why did I say yes? I don’t even want to do this!’The first step of unlearning any habit is awareness. So, it’s acknowledging that you are a people pleaser and that you want to let go of some aspects of this behaviourSay yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no. When someone asks you to do something, check in with yourself first.Setting your boundaries is really empowering. Although it can feel awkward to say no, you’ll be proud of yourself for doing it.As a people pleaser, you might have old grudges that you’ve kept. Go inwards and welcome awareness, what you can learn from ot