
329: The 8 limbs of Yoga explained



In this episode, we chat about the 8 limbs of Yoga by Patanjali as defined in his yoga sutras. Yoga is not all about the tree pose or downward-facing dog, it's about life.In relation to this, listen to Episode 256: The 5 levels of the mind – The Yoga Philosophy Series and also Episode 255: How to surrender, let go and trust or Ishvara Pranidhana – The Yoga Philosophy Series.This is what we spoke aboutYamas are kind of like moral lines and how you show up in life. Ahimsa is non-violence or kindness. Satya is truthfulness and honesty. Asteya is non-stealing. Brahmacharya is celibacy and loyalty. Aparigraha is detachment.Niyama is more of a way you are inside. Shaucha is more like cleanliness or detoxification of our thoughts. Santosha is contentment and self-acceptance. Tapas is devotion, dedication and discipline. Svadhyaya is self-study and self-awareness. Ishvarapranidhana is the practice of surrendering and letting go.Asana is the postures and the poses. Traditionally, there was one Asana and that was sitti