Futurehero Podcast

[Episode 4] "You're Not Stupid" (Music By Desert Dwellers)



You're not stupid. You may be fixated, though. In this episode, I explain how becoming and being fixated can lead us to make bad decisions. The music is upbeat and meant to get you through your movement session, while I attempt to help us break the pull of our current fixations and be free up a "sticky Awareness." The music is by Desert Dwellers. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/desertdwellers Track: https://soundcloud.com/desertdwellers/desert-dwellers-live-2015-earth-heart-tour (If you would like to have your music featured, please email me your info at baxter@fututreheropodcast.com) FutureHero Podcast is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud and many other platforms.