Em Pulse

Pay Attention



This is the fourth and final episode of our Women in EM series. We’ve heard personal stories of lived experiences and microaggressions, learned about the “leaky pipeline” that leads to a dearth of women in leadership, and took a deep dive into the gender pay gap in medicine. In this episode, we explore the importance of male allyship - how to understand your female colleagues’ experiences, and support, mentor and sponsor women physicians throughout their careers. This episode is for everyone, but if you’re a male physician, it’s especially important! Do you have more tips for being a male ally? Or suggestions on how to engage men in leadership? Please share! Tag us on social media, @empulsepodcast, or reach out via email empulsepodcast@gmail.com, or connect through our website, ucdavisem.com. Encourage your friends and colleagues to listen and share their perspective, too! ***Please rate us and leave us a review on iTunes! It helps us reach more people.*** Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Associate Professor of Ped