Simmons Here And Now

TELL THE DAMN STORY 228: How A European Playwright Covers Controversial Racial Killing in, "A Kid Like Rishi"



This week Alex and Chris talk to promoter/activist, Beck Lee who is helping the Origin Theatre Company to bring the play "A Kid Like Rishi" to New York City.  The play, written by Netherland's playwright, Kees Roorda, is a docudrama using court records to re-create the case of a controversial shooting of an unarmed 17-year-old black youth at the Hague Holland Spoor Station. Just like too many racial killings in America, this case created controversy when the white police officer who shot Rishi was acquitted.  We talk to Beck Lee about the history of this fascinating play, his efforts to bring it to New York, when the play will be performed, and where people can go and see this well respected theater piece. Go here for tkts. and info Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story