Walkner Condon Financial Advisors

From Broker-Dealer to Independent RIA - 10 Years Into Owning Our Financial Planning Firm



Thinking of starting your own independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Firm? Or maybe mulling a move from one of the big wirehouses to an RIA? A few years back (circa 2019), the co-founders of Walkner Condon Financial Advisors – Nate Condon and Clint Walkner – sat down on Gimme Some Truth to discuss their journey from the Broker-Dealer world to the independent RIA space. Now, it's been 10 years since Nate and Clint first opened the doors to their financial planning firm. Plenty has happened in the last few years alone, much less the last 10. In this bonus episode of GST, Nate and Clint circle back on that first conversation from a few years ago, discussing some of the more recent challenges faced as founding partners of an RIA. This conversation – one of several episodes to come over the next few months about starting an RIA – centers around the idea of staffing and firm culture. As Nate and Clint discuss, hiring the right staff and retaining them has continued to be a challenge throughout the life of