Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

134: Failing At Doing Your Summer Workouts And Meal Prep? 4 Summer PRODUCTIVITY SECRETS FOR SAHM over 40!



Do you feel like you’re failing at doing all the things that you need to feel healthy? Like your workouts and your meal prep? In this episode, that’s what we’re going to talk about. Specifically, four summer productivity secrets for SAHM over 40. If you take just one of these productivity secrets and implement it this summer, it will help you to move the needle toward getting in your workouts and actually doing your meal prep. Want to feel better in your body, feel healthier, and get the energy that you need to keep up with your kids during summertime? Then, this is the episode for you!  Partnering with Jesus, Jaclyn  Do you want to get healthy and feel comfortable in your body? Are you up late at night Googling "how to have more confidence” and are you afraid you’ll never lose weight? Do you wake up with ambitious health goals but never seem to have the time to workout or meal prep? Hey, I'm Jaclyn Castro. I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mom of two, and a Christian Health Coach.  I, too, wanted to be he