Research At The National Archives And Beyond!

The African American Experience with Desi L.Campbell



Join Hosts Janice and Cherekana of Speak On It ! for a conversation with Desi L. Campbell. The African American Experience is a vehicle to serve African Americans in genealogical research through various workshops, seminars that will enable them to pursue their own family history and create a lasting presentation of their findings. We encourage African Americans to have a sense of pride and dignity based on their cultural heritage and to assist them in acquiring a growing cultural awareness. We develop sustainable initiatives that examine the African American Experience through genealogy research. Desi is on a mission to help African Americans discover their family history beyond 1870.  His experience in researching wills, probate records, and deeds enables researchers to discover information prior to their ancestor’s freedom. Desi also uses his experiences with ancestry DNA, 23 and Me, Family Tree DNA, and GEDmatch to connect relatives of his clients that may not know who they are.