High Vibe Human Podcast

the original Oracle: Chinese i'Ching, discovering your energetic DNA



In this week's episode, we dive into the power of change. I offer an oracle reading from my favorite oracle deck, and WOW! Everything was spot on and pertained to what we dove into today. The Chinese i'Ching, also known as the book of changes, is a powerful tool that has been used for thousands of years to understanding the change that is happening at any given moment. We are able to tap into the energy of the now and reveal the energy of the moment. Everything is change, just like everything is energy. In human design, we use the i'Ching to help us form the bodygraph. What your authentic energy is and where you hold consistency and where you feel the power of change the most. Amenti Oracle Deck - this is the deck I used for our reading today at the beginning of the episode. View your Human Design Chart Free Strategy & Authority Affirmation Cards Human Design Readings, only available through July 2022 Apply for REDESIGNED, July 2022 inviting you to send me a voice message to be featured on this podcast!