Rad Radio

Rob's Soapbox - To Quote "A Few Good Men..."



Warning; you may be wasting your time, or at least putting yourself into a position of Déjà vu. It’s very likely that you will hear a version of this soapbox at some point on the RAD Radio show in the next few days; it all depends on mood. My mood, the team’s mood, the audience’s mood, the mood of society, and the news of the day as a whole. We’ll see.The RAD show has been off for a couple of weeks and is now back, for a little while…and then we’ll be gone on our previously scheduled Summer Vacation, and then we’re scheduled to be back. We’ll see.Curious? Good.That’s right; we’re still taking our Summer Vacation as scheduled despite an unwanted and unwelcome couple of weeks off in late May. The reason we’re still taking our vacation is simple; if we don’t, you may never hear the show again.Sound ominous? Good.There are actually many reasons that the show has been off for a while and I’m going to share one of them with you now; it’s hardly the main reason, in fact, I’d currently rank it as the fifth-greatest c