Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 275 - Hall Of Fame | Ian Bower: How To Run A Sub 2h 45 Min Marathon As A High Performance Entrepreneur



In 2019 I set out to complete a half marathon, because I wanted to try something new and I love a challenge. My aim was to run it under 2 hours, which I accomplished with a time of 1 hour 58 minutes. So when long-term RNT member Ian said he was aiming to go for a sub 3 hour marathon in his first 6 months of RNT, I thought he was bonkers. And then when he got that and said he wanted to shave another 15 minutes off in the next 6 months after, I was just excited to see him smash it. And so he did. As an avid runner all his life, he’d never cracked the code of body composition, nutrition and strength training, the missing pieces for him to accomplish his long standing running goals, and most importantly, unlock pinnacle high performance in all aspects of his life. I really enjoyed this conversation discussing the mindset required to run such a fast pace, and the daily discipline needed to excel at such extremes.   Timestamps:    00:00 - What are the series of trigger moments that led you to join RNT? 06:20 - How