Risen Church Nc

Pentecost: Heaven's Flame



There's no denying that there is a fire spreading across our world. This fire consumes everything in its path. Wildfires often are ignited in dry and parched lands, and spiritually speaking, our land is devoid of God's presence and power. All throughout history, such distance from God has led to extreme violence and perverseness. There are countless examples of societies being overcome by these kinds of fires, from 2000 BC to today. The Bible calls on God's people to neither ignore those caught in these flames or become judgmental. We are called to take on these burdens, and be compelled by them to do our best. The prophets in the Old Testament led the people of Israel to respond in two ways when their worlds were aflame: REPENT and LAMENT. In this message, we learn how taking on a posture of repentance and lamentation can bring healing on our land, one person at a time. We learn how to identify what we can do better and why we should intercede for those stuck in sin or suffering from others' sin. We hea