Understanding Christianity

Is General Revelation Sufficient for Salvation/Inclusivism? Leighton Flowers and Bible Brodown Guys



Dr. Sean Cole interacts with the Provisionist or non-Calvinistic understanding of the role of general revelation (creation and conscious) from Romans 1 and 2 in leading a person to saving faith in Christ. Is general revelation sufficient to lead a person to trust in Jesus alone for salvation? The Bible and the Reformed confessions say "No!" He plays a clip from a recent Soteriology 101 episode where Leighton Flowers interviews the Bible Brodown guys. Pastor Sean takes an historical journey through church history to show the majority consensus view on this topic. Why is this important? How does this effect the way we do missions to unreached peoples? What are the stark differences between Provisionism and Reformed theology on the destiny of those who have never heard the gospel? Listen as Dr. Cole unpacks these issues in depth. www.seancole.net