Em Pulse

Project HOPE



It can be overwhelming to read the news these days, with all the pain and suffering in the world. We may struggle with how to respond or what WE can do, but there are always ways to help. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Pranav Shetty about his recent trip to Eastern Europe to support medical and humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. Dr. Shetty has been involved in many disaster relief efforts in the past, but this experience brought some new challenges.  What are some ways you’ve found to help people in need, both locally and abroad? Share your ideas and experiences with us on social media, @empulsepodcast, via email empulsepodcast@gmail.com, or through our website, ucdavisem.com. Then please head over to iTunes and leave us a review. And please pass the word along to your friends and colleagues! ***Please rate us and leave us a review on iTunes! It helps us reach more people.*** Hosts: Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guest: Dr. Pranav Shetty, Assistant Professor of