Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC: Writing Shotgun With Charlie; Armed Lifestyle Magazine: Anthony Colandro



Armed Lifestyle Magazine Anthony Colandro Writing Shotgun With Charlie Here's an interview I did with Anthony Colandro from Gun For Hire Range & Gun For Hire Radio. I interviewed him in 2016 for the first time. And I'm glad I reached out and stopped at Gun For Hire on my way down to Washington, DC, to interview Kenn Blanchard. We've become friends. Expanding my circle of friends was a goal when I started RSWC! I can't express how grateful I am that I got out of my comfort zone and pushed my boundaries. https://pocketmags.com/us/armed-lifestyle-magazine# Anthony took a call for a recorded interview which you can listen to here. I expanded and wrote about it in Armed Lifestyle Magazine, which you can get here. We talk about his book Crime Proof: Think Like a Criminal and Beat Them At Their Own Game, tactical pens, and more. Get Crime Proof here: https://crimeproofbook.com     Second Amendment Foundation http://saf.org/ Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms https://www.ccrkba.org/ Please sup