Lotus Health Institute's Podcast

Episode 19: How are Miasm Layers Different?



How are Miasm Layers Different? In this excerpt, Dr. Murphy relates a more modern term for miasms and talks about how general layers and layers as they relate to miasms are different. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Miasm Prescribing” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Miasm Prescribing discusses miasms as the underlying weakness from which various acute and chronic diseases manifest. It explores miasmic theories (both classical and modern), diagnosing the five different types of miasms: active, dormant, exposed, acquired and inherited, explains the use of nosodes as intercurrent medicines and provides the Materia Medica of Tuberculinum, Syphillinum, Aurum Met, Mercury, Carcinosin, Medorrinum, Thuja, Psorinum, and Sulphur. This lecture gives information on the theory of five major miasms and their relationship to the immune system. Dr. Murphy gives descriptions of various types of miasms, their treatment, and reviews common diagnosis and treatment errors. The full Miasm Prescribing lecture is available