Radio Gag - The Gays Against Guns Show

Cele Break Juneteenth



Gun Violence and the passionate and righteous voices demanding change are right at the center of the American debate and this episode of Radio GAG. We are in the middle of Gay Pride Month, marking the six-year anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando Florida that killed 49 people and birthed Gays Against Guns. What better time to celebrate our activism than "Juneteenth," 6/19/22 with BABEC, the Black and Brown Equity Coalition in Fire Island! Producers Sean Stephanic and Libby Edwards interview Tomik Dash and Victor Jeffries about this powerful event, while Ti Cersley and Michael Sylvan Robinson discuss organizing over 100 volunteers as "Human Beings," veiled in white, carrying posters that represent innocent lives lost to gun violence in a memorial to Pulse. Host Sarah Germain Lilly guides you through this amazing episode that starts with NYS Attorney General Letitia James and includes a breakdown of the vital gun violence prevention news in the headlines.