

Could you be depressed or are you just feeling sad? Sadness is a normal part of life, and everybody experiences this emotion in multiple stages of their life. However, nowadays, the term "depression" can be heard throughout society and social media as a common synonym for being sad. The common use of this term has made some people believe the misconception that depression is something that can come and go quickly and that people can get over it in the span of a few days. It is extremely important to understand that there are differences between being sad because of a difficult situation or traumatic event that we have been through for a short period of time and depression symptoms. Depression is characterized by continuous feelings of sadness, hopelessness, irritability, having no motivation or interest in things, constantly not feeling in the mood to do things we used to love, difficulty making decisions, and not being able to perform tasks that we usually do on or daily basis. The depression symptoms are no